People say you learn something new every day, which is true. There are also lessons that take a person longer to learn, maybe months or years. This year I learned a valuable lesson that did take me awhile to discover, it was not something I learned over night but throughout my first year of college.
This significant lesson reminds me of two of my favorite songs, one of them called The Hard Way and the other called Mountains. The song, Mountains by Rascal Flatts is a song that many people can relate to and contains a good moral to it.
The lesson I learned this year is about friendship. I have had a variety of friends, some that come and go and some that have been at my side since preschool. This year I learned who my true friends are, the ones that come to my games, support me no matter how I play or if I even play, and the ones that call me when they have problems and I can call when things in life are hard. These are the friends that I can tell anything to and trust, and believe it or not there are not too many people I can trust anymore. When it comes to meeting new people, I usually am not quick too judge. I have and always will respect everyone I meet until they disrespect me or someone close to me.
I have also learned by becoming a student athlete that there are people that will just want to become close to me because I am an athlete or for the connections I have with other athletes, and I have learned to look out for that.
Many changes occurred throughout my first college year and I learned that my closest friends will love me no matter what. Before coming to college I was told by many people how difficult it would be to stay close with my friends from high school. I learned that if you are close enough to your friends and you are willing to except the changes and remain friends, then there is nothing that can pull you apart from each other.
Every day I think about and miss my friends from home but I know that no matter what they will always support me as I will them.
This significant lesson reminds me of two of my favorite songs, one of them called The Hard Way and the other called Mountains. The song, Mountains by Rascal Flatts is a song that many people can relate to and contains a good moral to it.
The lesson I learned this year is about friendship. I have had a variety of friends, some that come and go and some that have been at my side since preschool. This year I learned who my true friends are, the ones that come to my games, support me no matter how I play or if I even play, and the ones that call me when they have problems and I can call when things in life are hard. These are the friends that I can tell anything to and trust, and believe it or not there are not too many people I can trust anymore. When it comes to meeting new people, I usually am not quick too judge. I have and always will respect everyone I meet until they disrespect me or someone close to me.
I have also learned by becoming a student athlete that there are people that will just want to become close to me because I am an athlete or for the connections I have with other athletes, and I have learned to look out for that.
Many changes occurred throughout my first college year and I learned that my closest friends will love me no matter what. Before coming to college I was told by many people how difficult it would be to stay close with my friends from high school. I learned that if you are close enough to your friends and you are willing to except the changes and remain friends, then there is nothing that can pull you apart from each other.
Every day I think about and miss my friends from home but I know that no matter what they will always support me as I will them.