Sense volleyball is a fall sport, we are in the off season right now, which means we spend most of the time lifting, running, and perfecting the little details of our play. I am a back row player, also referred to as a D.S. which is short for a defensive specialist. This is my first year playing this position, so I have to concentrate very much to catch up for the time lost playing the other positions. I have played almost all positions in my volleyball career so far, starting off as a setter until sophomore year, then switching to an outside hitter, and now being a back court player.
When I get to the locker room, I get ready for practice then head up to the gym. We mostly work on passing and sometimes serving , but passing is our focus. After our practice, the hitters head up for their practice. All of the practices are finished by 4:45, and we go meet with our strength and conditioning coach for lifting or agility's. That usually last about an hour, then practice is over. Most players then go to the training room for ice bags or an ice bath.
Dinner is around 6:30, so we eat, then go to study table, which is a room in which we need to spend 7 hours studying there. I usually try to get my hours finished early in the week so I do not have to worry about them all week. I usually get back to the dorm around 9:30 or 10, depending on the day. My intention is to get to bed early, but that doesn't happen very often although my roommate and me are most likely sleeping by 12:30.
What a long day! I know all of us have crazy schedules but I can't imagine doing all of that practice on top of it all! Do you guys have practice every day or just Friday? I don't think I could function if I had to practice for a sport every day -- I hardly find time to go to an hour long workout class everyday, or even a few times a week! That's really awesome that you guys are working hard all year long and I'm sure the hard work will pay off when the season starts!