My pets have always been very important to me, as well as they most likely are to anyone else. I grew up on a farm, my dad was never a farmer, but we leased our land to the farmers down the road from us who farmed it for us. I never knew what it would be like to have next door neighbors, because the closest ones we had were almost half a mile down the road.
When my sister and I were about the age of 10, my parents bought us a pony. Our pony was only an inch shorter than a horse, so he was pretty big. His name is Ice and we still have him today. My sister was al
ways into horses more than I was so she began riding Ice, showing him in shows and at the 4-H fair. After about 3 years with Ice, my parents surprised her and bought a horse named gonzo. I showed Ice for a couple years but also showed a couple other horses that were at the barn. In the summer we boarded our horse and pony at a barn about 15 minutes away from our home. We enjoyed boarding because it gave Liz and I a chance to spend more time with the other kids at the barn. My sister and I enjoyed showing at the 4-H fair. It was a hectic week of waking up at 6 AM and going to bed at midnight. When Liz and I entered high school, volleyball tryouts were the same week as fair. I chose not to participate in the fair and just focus on tryouts but Liz wanted to do both, it was very difficult trying to make the schedules work out and after that year she stopped showing at the fair because of the conflict with volleyball, until the summer after our senior year. She was able to show in the fair because volleyball was done. I helped my sister the whole week and she had a great time!

My other pets are dogs, Phoebe, Titus, and Bruiser. Phoebe is the oldest, she is a cockapoo, which is a cocker spaniel and a poodle mixed. Phoebe is always at my moms side and follows her everywhere. Titus is a yellow lab, he such a good dog and loves to stay outside, although we bring him inside when it is really cold out. Bruiser is the smallest and youngest. He is a miniature pincher. We got bruiser on a weekend when my parents were out of town and my oldest sister really wanted a dog, so she bought him. My parents were very upset but now that my oldest sister has moved out of our home, my parents refuse to let her take bruiser.
The most recent pet addition to our family was our cat, Moose. We had a tough time thinking of a na
me so one day I just called her that and it stuck. I have never really liked cats. When I was younger we used to have many barn cats and one of them bit so ever sense that I have never been able to trust them. Moose has become an exception to me not liking cats. When we first got her we kept her in the basement of our house, just to give her time to grow before we put her outside because our dogs like to play rough with cats. But its been about a year and she still lives in the basement. Of course we don't lock her down there, she comes up when she wants to.
When I left for college, I had no idea how much I would miss my pets, or how important they are to me. I know, of course, they are part of my family, but I never realized how big of a part of my family they are. There are many people in the world that do not have pets, and I'm sure they have their reasons, but when people say a dog is a mans best friend, I know exactly what they mean now!
When my sister and I were about the age of 10, my parents bought us a pony. Our pony was only an inch shorter than a horse, so he was pretty big. His name is Ice and we still have him today. My sister was al

My other pets are dogs, Phoebe, Titus, and Bruiser. Phoebe is the oldest, she is a cockapoo, which is a cocker spaniel and a poodle mixed. Phoebe is always at my moms side and follows her everywhere. Titus is a yellow lab, he such a good dog and loves to stay outside, although we bring him inside when it is really cold out. Bruiser is the smallest and youngest. He is a miniature pincher. We got bruiser on a weekend when my parents were out of town and my oldest sister really wanted a dog, so she bought him. My parents were very upset but now that my oldest sister has moved out of our home, my parents refuse to let her take bruiser.
The most recent pet addition to our family was our cat, Moose. We had a tough time thinking of a na

When I left for college, I had no idea how much I would miss my pets, or how important they are to me. I know, of course, they are part of my family, but I never realized how big of a part of my family they are. There are many people in the world that do not have pets, and I'm sure they have their reasons, but when people say a dog is a mans best friend, I know exactly what they mean now!
I used to have a papillion named Elsie, but I was too young and immature to take care of her so I had to give her away to a friend of my sister's. I really regret that, because Elsie was my best friend who always made me feel better after a bad day. Well, the only pets I have now are fish, but they don't give you the attention and love like our four-legged friends. :)